Friday, 2 October 2015

Things to know about ARDUINO

what is ARDUINO:
 Arduino is open source hardware, all the design files, schematics,
and source code are freely available to everybody. The best part about the arduino prototyping platform is that's whatever you want it to be. The Atmel micro-controller is fixed to arduino boards which have TTL serial converter,voltage regulators, USB connector, ICSP connector and so can program through arduino IDE(integrated development environment) which is available on

Arduino Functionality :
All Arduino boards have a few key capabilities and functions.
  • At the heart of every Arduino is an Atmel microcontroller unit (MCU).
  • The Arduino Uno in Figure uses an ATMega 328p. The  Arduino Due is an exception;it uses an ARM Cortex microcontroller. This microcontroller is responsible forholding all of your compiled code and executing the commands you specify.                                                                                      
  • The Arduino programming language gives you access to microcontroller peripherals,including analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), general-purpose input/output(I/O) pins, communication buses (including I2C and SPI), and serial interfaces.                                           
  • A 16 MHz ceramic resonator is wired to the ATMega’s clockpins , which serves as the reference by which all program commands execute.                  
  • You can use the Reset button to restart the execution of your program.
  • Arduino boards come with a debug LED already connected to pin 13
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